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Plainsong 2003-05-06 CD Tuebingen Audience

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TT133:451st set01 say a prayer( cuts in )02 -banter -no smoking-03 welcome to london town04 -banter-0506 -banter-07 even the guiding light08 -banter-09 galway to graceland10 here comes the rain11 -banter-12 100 years from now: all new people 13 -banter and band intro-14 >15 -break-2nd set - <16 the changing of the guard17 -banter-18 yo yo man19 -banter-20 if i needed rain21-banter-22 lost john23 -banter-24 under the volcano *25 -banter-26 barbed wire fence27 -banter-28 pilgrims29 -banter-30 the true story of amelia earhart ->31 cloud nine32 -banter-33 steal that beat34 -banter-3536 -banter-37 raider38 sloth39 -banter-4041 -encore and banter-played unlugged:4243 the economics of the rat and the snake

