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Quicksilver Messenger Service 1967-03-19 CD San Francisco Soundboard

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CD#1 First set 31:3801 intro talk before first song 0:3402 Susie Q 3:4303 I Hear You Knocking 3:3404 talk : intro to Little Dandelion 0:2205 Little Dandelion 2:0806 talk : intro to Gold And Silver 0:2507 Gold And Silver 2:4208 You Don't Love Me 2:4409 Codine 4:5810 talk: intro to I'm Backwords 0:3611 I'm Backwords [instrumental] 2:5312 Smokestack Lightning 6:5213 talk: set outro 0:07CD#2 Second set 59:4801 talk before first song of set 0:2502 [cuts in] Dino's Song 3:0503 > Walking Blues 2:5604 Too Long 3:5405 Duncan And Brady 3:0006 talk: intro to Babe I'm Gonna Leave You 1:1707 Babe I'm Gonna Leave You 4:4008 If You Live 6:2009 Hoochie Coochie Man 4:4010 All Night Worker 4:0311 Pride Of Man 3:4712 Mona 10:58encores:13 Got My Mojo Working 4:1614 Who Do You Love? [cuts on last notes] 6:27This recording sounds to me like one channel soundboard and one channel audience, as do other circulating tapes from this club. It's definitely got an ambient sound with quite a bit of tape hiss but sounds fairly decent - especially after the speed correction.Pitch-adjustment - slowed by 4.2% (minus 1 semitone plus 25 cents in Pro Tools). Evened out some level changes. Channel dropouts eliminated when possible or improved by pasting in from the good channel with crossfades between the stereo and mono sections. Also seamlessly removed transient noises in a few spots and retracked with one set on each CD. No additional equalization beyond the minor EQ that was done before the previous upload (see below). New Flac files created with xACT (sector boundaries verified). md5 file created with checkSUM+.Because questions often come up, here is some info about the pitch adjustment process: When a recording is noticeably off pitch or when 2 sources of a recording don't match in speed, first gather together released or other pitch-verified versions of as many of the songs in the set that you can find. Then import them all along with the tape to be adjusted into a music editing software program that can edit more than 2 channels at a time. Keep varying the speed adjustment around until all comparisons sound correct. Usually the key of a song will not change even if it is a different artist doing the song or with a completely different tempo and arrangement. You just will probably find the comparing easier when it is the same artist and arrangement. The tuning can be also verified with a keyboard that has a pitch-bend wheel. When the pitch has to be "bent" to sound correct it is still off-speed. I should mention that this process is especially easy in Pro Tools, because the songs can be put right next to each other and you can preview your adjustment and then hit the space bar to hear the "reference version" right after it. That way the correct speed can be decided upon before finally adjusting the complete recording. To avoid sector boundary errors, the entire recording must be speed-corrected together and then retracked.---------------------------------------------------------From the info file when this show was originally uploaded by 38f on Dime:Quicksilver Messenger Service The Matrix1967-03-19San Francisco, CaJim Murray, Gary Duncan, John Cipollina, David Freiberg, Greg Elmore.



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