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Rolling Stones Compilation CD Isolated Trax 1 - Toothless Bearded Hag Soundboard

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Vol. 1:1.Jumping Jack FlashmidL - This is the track you hear (barely) at stereo mid-left, which must be the basic take, recorded on cassette (according to interview with Keith).What's interesting is you hear a second set of drums and a second bass.2.Jumping Jack FlashaltC2+altC1 - Two different center channel extractions combined to stereo, this one widens the stereo field a bit. Bass and drums are a bit clearer.3.Jumping Jack FlashL+altC2 - Basic take from the left ch is centered, and the center ch overdubs are on the right.4.Child Of The MoonCR - Center and right channels5.DandelionL - Left channel, it sounds like just acoustic guitar, bass and drums, with a little vocal bleedthrough.6.Honky Tonk WomenR - Right channel, Keith's guitar and cowbell, until the horns come in. At that point the guitar was panned into the center.7.We Love YouC - Center channel. Vocals were panned all over the place, this has whatever was panned to the center.8.Jumping Jack FlashaltC3 - An extraction from track#2 trying to further isolate or clarify the vocal, bass and drums overdubs, and what sounds like another guitar or two.9.Honky Tonk WomenL - Left channel with piano and Mick Taylor's guitar(s).10.Jumping Jack FlashR - Far right channel with guitar, organ and piano.11.DandelionR - Right channel, harpsichord and organ.12.Child Of The MoonL - Left channel, guitar and organ.13.We Love YouLR - Left and right channels, Jagger Lennon and McCartney vocals14.Jumping Jack FlashaltC1+R - Center channel on the left, right channel on the right.15.Honky Tonk WomenC - Center channel.16.DandelionC - Center channel, Lennon and McCartney vocals?17.Jumping Jack FlashmidL+midR - Mid-left and mid-right tracks only, no center channel.18.Jumping Jack FlashL - Far-left channel, almost the same as track#1 but maybe less bleedthrough and the instruments at the end (harmonica? mellotron?) come in louder.



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