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Rolling Stones Compilation CD Isolated Trax 3 - Beggars Brunch Soundboard

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Vol. 3: 1.Sympathy For The Devilcenter channel, no pianos2.Stray Cat Bluesright channel, Keith's guitar and Brian noodling on mellotron3.Street Fighting Manleft channel4.Factory Girlcenter channel guitar and vocals5.Parachute Womanmainly left channel with bass and bass drum, with some of right channel mixed in on the right, a couple of missed bass notes at 1:506.No Expectationsleft and center channels7.Stray Cat Bluesleft and center channels8.Jig-saw Puzzleleft and center channels9.Sympathy For The Devilleft channel, piano and bass10.Dear Doctorright channel, acoustic guitar11.Dear Doctorleft channel12.Salt Of The Earthcenter channel13.Jig-saw Puzzleright channel, piano and slide guitar14.Parachute Womancenter and right channels15.No ExpectationsThe Rolling Stonesright channel, slide guitar16.Factory Girlleft and right channels17.Dear Doctorcenter channel, vocals18.Sympathy For The Devilright channel, 2nd piano (?) and backing vocals



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