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Rush 1988-01-27 CD New Orleans Audience

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Time: 59:12, 59:24 Disc One: The Big Money 6:41 Subdivisions 5:19 Limelight 4:36 Marathon 6:48 Turn the Page 4:55 Prime Mover 5:26 Manhattan Project 5:13 Closer to the Heart 4:14 Red Sector A 5:43 Force Ten 4:55 Time Stand Still 5:13 Disc Two: Distant Early Warning 6:27 Lock and Key 6:22 Mission 5:42 Territories 6:13 YYZ/Drum Solo 8:50 Red Lenses :27 The Spirit of Radio 4:54 Tom Sawyer 5:51 2112: Overture/ Temples of Syrinx 6:19 La Villa Strangiato 5:21 In the Mood 2:50

