01 - Psychotic Reaction2:2402 - 1:5103 - The CIA 1:5304 - Purple Haze 2:5705 - Psychedelic outfit 0.5906 - 3:1207 - 2:1308 - I don't want to go to Viet Nam 3:28 09 - 2:1310 - Eugene Chadbourne's rake 2:2511 - classical interlude 1:0112 - 2:4713 - 2:5314 - 1:1115 - Lucifer Sam 2:39 16 - 2:02 17 - 0:3118 - 2:0219 - 3:59 20 - 2:4421 - A whiter shade of pale 0:3322 - Michael Jackson medley 0:36 23 - Bob Dylan 0:3624 - Plunger on the beach 0:4425 - 0:5526 - Are you Experienced? 3:1627 - 2:4228 - 3:5029 - Life's a gas 2:5530 - 2:1531 - 8 Miles High 4:1332 - The Birdcage 5:2233 - Mr Soul 3:4134 - 2:0535 - Stand by your man 3:1436 - 3:3237 - Born on the bayou 3:39Total 01:28:11