FULL SHOW (147:01 min.)
SET 1:
01. Introduction (1:03)
02. Earth calling (2:46)
03. Born to go (11:04)
04. Down through the night (5:58)
05. The awakening -> Lord of light (8:19)
06. The black corridor -> Space is deep (10:26)
07. Orgone accumulator (15:25)
SET 2:
08. Ten seconds of forever (4:03)
09. Brainstorm (12:52)
10. Seven by seven (8:17)
11. Sonic attack (4:28)
12. Time we left this world today (9:12)
13. Master of the universe (10:10)
14. Nik's band intro (1:56)
15. Welcome to the future (5:04)
16. Urban guerrilla (8:58)
17. You shouldn't do that (16:35)
18. Silver machine (10:19)
Nik Turner - vocals, sax, flute
Alan Davey - bass, vocals
Meurig Griffirths - drums
Thomas Crimble - organ
Chris Purdon - synths
Julian Slawinski - vocals (Hoaxwind)
Vincent Corey- guitar
Lynda - dance