~ Set 1 ~
1. Tuning / Banter
2. Ms. Brown's Teahouse
3. Pirates >
4. Barstool
5. All Blues *$
6. Smile *
7. Bigger Isn't Better *$%@ >
8. Johnny Cash *$%@
~ Set 2 ~
1. Tuning / Banter
2. Nine Pound Hammer %@
3. Minor Swing %
4. Molly and Tenbrooks
5. Remington Ride @%
6. Come As You Are
7. Sing a New Song * >
8. Rhum 'n' Zouc * >
9. Percussion * >
10. I Know You Rider *@%$
~ Encore ~
11. Crowd / Banter
12. Stir it Up *$%@
*-w/Jeff Sipe of Leftover Salmon
$-w/Tye North of Leftover Salmon
%-w/Mark Vann of Leftover Salmon
@-w/Drew Emmitt of Leftover Salmon