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Sun Ra Arkestra Compilation CD Somewhere In 1985 Vol 2 Audience

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total time 91:42 Sun Ra (p, org, synth, voc) prob. Ronnie Brown tp Tyrone Hill (tb) Marshall Allen (as,oboe) John Gilmore (ts) Ronald Wilson (ts) Danny Thompson (bs) James Jacson (Ancient Egyptian Infinity d, bsn, voc) Eloe Omoe (as, bcl, contra-alto cl) Bruce Edwards (eg) Rollo Radford (eb) Avreeayl Ra Amen (d) June Tyson (voc) 1st set 1 untitled improvisation [Jacson d, Allen oboe, Edwards eg, Avreeayl d, trap d, Hill funky tb, Jacson bsn, Omoe contra-alto cl, fine Wilson ts, tp, conducted ensemble] 2 Discipline 27-II (Ra)/ Children Of The Sun (Ra) [Ra,ens voc, fine Wilson ts] 3 unidentified (Ra unacc p, improvised ballad) 4 Queer Notions (Hawkins) [Gilmore ts, Hill tb] 5 Daydream (Strayhorn) [Ra p, Allen as] 6 unidentified blues (Ra) [Ra p, Radford eb, horn riffs, internal cut] 7 unidentified (Ra) [Ra p, prob. Brown tp, unacc - very fine improvised ballad] 8 Mack The Knife (Brecht-Weill-Blitzstein) [Jacson voc, Wilson ts, Ra,Jacson voc, Wilson ts coda] 9 unidentified (Ra) [Ra synth, unacc] / We Travel The Spaceways (Ra) [old version, Ra.ens voc] 2nd set 10 untitled [Brown tp, Edwards eg, Jacson bsn, Hill tb, swannee whistle, segues into] 11 Sunology/The Lion Of The Heavens (Ra) [Tyson.ens voc] 12 Discipline 27 (Ra) [Brown tp, Hill tb over riff] / Door Of The Cosmos (Ra) [Ra.ens voc, Wilson ts]

