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Rare Live Concert Recordings on CD, DVD, MP3 and MP4

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Damned, CDs, Audience, berlin, 1994, May
Set list: 01 - Testify02 - I Need A Life03 - Neat Neat Neat04 - Heaven... Can Take Your Lives05 - Ignite06 - Nasty07 - Never Could Believe08 - Gun Fury09 -...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Damned, CDs, Audience, Brighton, 2016, May
Setlist:Street of DreamsWait For The BlackoutI Just Can't Be Happy TodayNoise Noise NoiseUnder The Floor AgainNeat Neat NeatAlone Again OrNew RoseDisco...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Damned, CDs, Audience, Compilation
Setlist : I FallWait For The BlackoutLively ArtsFan ClubDrinking About My BabySmash It UpNew RoseNoise Noise NoiseNeat Neat NeatPretty VacantBits including...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Damned, CDs, Soundboard, Compilation
59 minLine up :Dave Vanian - vocalsCaptain Sensible - guitar, backing vocalsMonty Oxymoron - keyboards, backing vocals, gesticulationsStu West - bass,...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Distillers, CDs, Audience, Teimse, 2001, August
Setlist: 01 - I Am Revenant02 - Red Carpet and Rebellion03 - Oldscratch04 - L.A. Girl05 - Sing, Sing, Death House06 - Bullet and the Bullseye07 - City of...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Distillers, CDs, Audience, Compilation
Setlist: 01 - Die On A Rope (Cuts in)02 - Hall Of Mirrors03 - I Am A Revenant04 - Dismantle Me05 - L.A. Girl05 - The Gallow Is God 07 - Sick Of It All08 -...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Districts, CDs, Soundboard, Camden, 2016, July
Setlist:4th and RoeblingChlorineRocking ChairLong DistanceHoundsAirplanePeachesFat KiddoBoldYoung BloodTRT = 00:51:11

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Enid, CDs, Soundboard, Bognor Regis, 2016, December
Chapters01 - The Tower02 - The Sun / Judgement03 - In The Region Of The Summer Stars04 - Dark HydraulicLine-upMax Read - guitar, keyboards, vocalsJason...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Fray, CDs, Soundboard, CLEVELAND, 2016, November
Setlist:Electric Set:Singing LowYou Found MeHurricaneLook After You >Wonderwall (Oasis cover - snippet)All at OnceRainy ZurichViennaKeep On WantingCornersHow...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Frogs, CDs, Audience, MILWAUKEE, 1994, February
1. i only play 4 money2. nipple clamps3. weird on the avenue4. homos5. holidays for king6. lord grunge7. drugs8. the longing goes away9. starboy10. now you...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Heavy, CDs, Soundboard, minneapolis, 2016, September
Setlist:-taped intro-Can't Play DeadThe ApologyNot the OneMiss CaliforniaShort Change HeroNobody's HeroCurse Me GoodBig Bad WolfSame Ol'Last ConfessionSince...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Hotelier, CDs, Soundboard, CHICAGO, 2016, July
Setlist:Goodness Pt. 2N 43° 33' 55.676" W 72° 45' 11.914"Your Deep RestAmong the WildflowersTwo DeliverancesN 42° 6' 3.001" W 71° 55' 3.295"Soft AnimalSunAn...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Humpers, CDs, Audience, los angeles, 2015, January
01. Murder City Revolution02. Mutate With Me03. Migraine Shack04. Drunk Tank05. Space Station Love06. Wake Up And Lose07. Sarcasmatron08. Cops And Robbers09....

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Huns, CDs, Audience, Compilation
Lineup:Vocals-Phil TolsteadKeyboards/vocals-Dan TransmissionBass-Joel RichardsonGuitar-Manny RosarioDrums-Tom Huckabe1.Kill All Men(cut)2.???3.???4.Huns Go...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Jackson, CDs, Audience, new York City, 1984, August
Setlist:Sword IntroWanna Be Startin' Somethin'Things I Do For YouOff The WallHuman NatureHeartbreak HotelShe's Out Of My LifeLet's Get SeriousYou Like Me...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Jacques, CDs, Soundboard, Bruz, 2016, December
Setlist:No KamikazeOw OwHelter Skelter AlkaselserFuzzy Little ParasitePainkillerForeign FilmKiss the PharaohBorn SoreEleanor Ring MeWeekendsTRT = 00:46:28

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Kills, CDs, Soundboard, berlin, 2016, April
58mn 19s

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Kills, CDs, Soundboard, Hasselt, 2016, August
Setlist:No WowU.R.A. FeverKissy KissyHard Habit to BreakHeart of a DogImpossible TracksBlack BalloonDoing It to DeathBaby SaysTape SongWhirling EyeSiberian...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Kooks, CDs, Soundboard, BUENOS AIRES, 2016, October
Setlist:Eddie's GunAlways Where I Need to BeSee the WorldOoh LaDownBackstabberAround TownGapSeaside (acoustic)See the SunTick of TimeTaking Pictures of...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
The Libertines, CDs, Soundboard, Carhaix Plouguer, 2016, July
Setlist: "All You Need Is Love" (taped intro)The DelaneyBarbariansHeart of the MatterFame and FortuneBoys in the BandWhat Katie DidYou're My WaterlooAnthem...