CD 1
01. Introduction 0:50
02. Babudah (S. McCall) 17:04
Baden-Baden New Jazz Orchestra. Solos: Skidmore (ts); Wheeler (flh); Dudek (bamboo fl); Thelin (tb); Breuker (cl); Mitchell (as); Bowie (tpt)
03. Introduction 1:28
04. Hollow's Ecliptic No. 3 (J. Jarman) 18:09
Jarman (fl, p, voc); Mitchell (piccolo); Burrell (p); Krog (voc). Texts by Eldridge Cleaver and Joseph Jarman
05. Introduction 0:56
06. Dear Uncle Alban (K. Krog-L. Cuypers) 3:20
Cuypers (prep-p); Krog (voc)
07. Introduction 0:22
08. Forever (J. Surman) 4:16
Jarman (as); Surman (bs); Phillips (b); McCall (d)
09. Announcement 0:07
CD 2
03. Introduction 1:23
04. Now (D. Burrell) (part 1) 15:37
Baden-Baden New Jazz Orchestra
05. Now (D. Burrell) (part 2) 13:16
Baden-Baden New Jazz Orchestra
CD 3
01. Introduction 0:37
02. Everything Is Water (K. Krog-R. Creeley) 11:50
Krog (voc); Burrell (p); Gorter (b); Oxley (d - right); McCall (d - center); Delcloo (d - left)
03. Introduction 0:43
04. Down With The Revisionists (B. Rosengren) 13:37
Thelin (tb); Rosengren (fl, ts); Cuypers (p); Rypdal (g); Danielsson (b - right); Phillips (b - left); Oxley (d - right); Delcloo (d - left)
05. Introduction 0:38
06. Hello Soerste (K. Krog-J. Surman) 7:46
Wheeler (flh); Sauer (ts); Skidmore (ts); Surman (p); Phillips (b); Danielsson (b); Oxley (d); Krog (voc)
07. Introduction 0:15
08. Open Space (A. Mangelsdorff) 8:33
Mangelsdorff (tb); Sauer (ts); Surman (bs); unknown rhythm section
09. Unknown Title 12:22
Mangelsdorff (tb); Sauer (ts); Surman (bs); unknown rhythm section
10. Announcement 0:07
CD 4
01. Glancing Backwards (For Junior) (J. Surman) 10:45
Baden-Baden New Jazz Orchestra
02. Unknown Title 13:06
Wheeler (flh); Thelin (tb); Rosengren (ts); Sauer (ts); Skidmore (ts); Phillips (b); Danielsson (b); Oxley (d); McCall (d)
03. Unknown Title 7:17
Wheeler (flh); Thelin (tb); Rodengren (ts); Sauer (ts); Skidmore (ts); Phillips (b); Danielsson (b); Oxley (d); McCall (d)
04. Unknown Title 10:49
Baden-Baden New Jazz Orchestra
05. Unknown Title 8:24
Jarman (fl); Rosengren (fl, oboe); Rypdal (g); Phillips (b); Danielsson (b); McCall (perc); Oxley (perc); Krog (voc)
06. Unknown Title 8:29
Thelin (tb); Breuker (bcl); Phillips (b); Danielsson (b); Krog (voc)
07. Unknown Title 0:57
Thelin (tb) Phillips (b); Krog (voc)
09. Unknown Title 1:33
Mangelsdorff (tb + ring modulator)
Kenny Wheeler (flh)
Hugh Steinmetz (tpt)
Lester Bowie (tpt)
Eje Thelin (tb)
Albert Mangelsdorff (tb)
Roscoe Mitchell (ss, as, fl)
John Surman (ss, bs)
Joseph Jarman (as, voc)
Willem Breuker (ts, cl)
Bernt Rosengren (ts, fl, oboe)
Alan Skidmore (ts)
Gerd Dudek (ts, fl)
Heinz Sauer (ts)
Terje Rypdal (g)
Dave Burrell (p, celeste)
Leo Cuypers (p, prep-p)
Palle Danielsson (b)
Barre Phillips (b)
Arjen Gorter (b)
Steve McCall (d)
Tony Oxley (d, perc)
Claude Delcloo (d)
Karin Krog (voc, p)