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Thank You Scientist 2013-09-01 CD Chapel Hill Audience

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
16.99 $ USD
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1. introduction (0:57) 2. Feed the Horses (6:49) 3. working title: new, new...new (8:18) 4. Blood on the Radio (9:53) 5. working title: summer song (7:11) 6. Suspicious Waveforms (7:40) 7. working title: not safe for ProgDay (6:37) 8. In the Company of Worms (6:27) 9. My Famed Disappearing Act (7:48)10. Encore: I am the Walrus (5:01)Total Time: 66:41 (1 hr, 6 min, 41 sec)

