disc one:01 want 5:1802 fascination street 4:4703 a night like this 5:1104 pictures of you 7:5605 lullaby 4:0906 just like heaven 3:3507 trust 5:2008 jupiter crash 4:3409 high 3:2410 dressing up 2:4911 the walk 3:2412 let's go to bed 3:5013 push 5:0214 friday i'm in love 3:2715 inbetween days 3:2916 from the edge of the deep green sea 8:21disc two:17 shiver and shake 4:4618 disintegration 8:1319 end 8:1020 three imaginary boys 3:1221 boys don't cry 3:2122 10:15 saturday night 4:1823 killing an arab 6:1024 mint car 3:4825 close to me 4:0326 why can't i be you? 3:5127 charlotte sometimes 4:0028 a forest 13:35