runtime: 90:31setlist:1: do it again 4:182: state of confusion 4:463: the hard way 2:334: better things 3:215: don't forget to dance 5:386: Lola tease > blues 1:387: come dancing 4:278: return to Waterloo 4:239: catch me now I'm falling 3:5310: missing persons 3:4811: destroyer 5:3512: (wish I could fly like) superman 7:58 (with batman tease) 13: guilty 4:3614: a gallon of gas 6:5315: Lola 5:5116: all day and all night 4:5517: gotta move 2:4918: low budget 3:3819: living on a thin line 4:1520: you really got me 5:07