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The Muffs Compilation DVD California 1992 Audience

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ARTIST:The MuffsVENUE:The Pub/Cal State FullertonCITY.STATE:Fullerton, CA DATE:May 14, 1992DURATION:40 Minutes* Audience shot Picture A-/Sound A- * NTSC Ð direct transfer from master tape (VHS-C Panasonic Palmcorder. 1st generation.1) Brand New Chevy2) Big Mouth3) Guilty4) Lucky Guy5) Beat Your Heart Out6) Everywhere I Go7) Every Single Thing8) Another Day9) Right In The Eye10) I Need You11) Saying Goodbye12) New Love13) You Lied To Me14) I DonÕt Like YouARTIST:THE MUFFSVENUE:RajiÕsCITY/STATE:Hollywood, CADATE:August 1992DURATION:40 Minutes* Audience shot Picture A-/Sound B+ * NTSC Ð direct transfer from master tape (VHS-C Panasonic Palmcorder. 1st generation.1) Rock & Roll Girl2) Lucky Guy3) Saying Goodbye4) Another Day5) I donÕt Like You6) Everywhere You Go7) From Your Girl8) Beat Your Heart Out9) You Lied To Me10) Better Than Me11) Big Mouth12) I Need You13) Right In The Eye

