**Any references (if any) to DVD, Menu or image quality are to be dismissed as this item was originally a DVD, now converted to a normal audio CD.** BOUTON ROUGE Marquee Club - March 1968 1. Rondo 2. Azrael (Angel Of Death)ROME POP FESTIVAL May 6, 1968 1. Rondo [fragment]HOW IT IS August 23, 1968 1. America HITS A GO-GO September 1968 1. America 2. RondoFORUM MUSIQUE November 20, 1968 1. America2. She Belongs To Me [fragment] 3. BrandenburgerDIM DAM DOM March 1, 1969 1. Intermezzo from the Karelia Suite 2. RondoSWEDISH TV 1969 1. Intermezzo from the Karelia Suite