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They Might Be Giants 2003-04-24 CD Los Angeles Audience

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
16.99 $ USD
You save: 8.00 $ USD (32%)


- CD 1 - 1. Older2. Ballad of Timothy McSweeney3. Introductions4. Sarah Vowell5. Andersonville and Sarah continues6. She Thinks She's Edith Head7. Intro of Zadie Smith8. Zadie Smith9. Bangs10. Intro of Dave Eggers11. Dave Eggers (part one)12. Dave Eggers (part two)13. set one wrap up- CD 2 -1. Inro Music2. Bed Bed Bed3. John Lee Supertaster4. BIrdhouse In Your Soul5. Clap Your Hands6. James K Polk7. The Sun8. Its Loud In Here9. why the John's love America10. I'm Dead11. In The Middle, In The Middle, In The Middle12. Doctor Worm13. Drink14. Spin the Dial15. Particle Man16. New York City

