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Tori Amos 2010-07-19 CD Paris Audience

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
16.99 $ USD
You save: 8.00 $ USD (32%)


01. Curtain Call02. China03. chat04. Siren05. Suzanne intro / Bachelorette improv >06. Suzanne 07. Mrs. Jesus08. Space Dog09. Leather10. Twinkling improv > Twinkle11. Black-Dove (January)12. Winter13. Bouncing Off Clouds14. Snow Cherries from France15. Girl16. Marianne17. Beauty of Speed18. Gold Dust19. Putting the Damage On20. The Power of Orange Knickers21. Another Girl's Paradise22. Precious Things-Encore-23. Crucify24. Personal Jesus (w/ Body and Soul)

