Chapters:1 - Taratata (France 2)Guest: Catherine LaraRecorded 02/18/1993Aired 03/04/1993- Crucify- Angie (not the full song)- Interview2 - Taratata (France 2)Guest: Veronique SansonRecorded 03/08/1994Aired 03/12/1994- Past the Mission- Interview- China (with the french duo "native")3 - Fanzine (M6)No exact date of recording/airing, but certainly in the begining of 1996because the french dew drop inn concert is announced (which date wasthe 18 of march).4 - Metal Express (M6)No exact date of recording/airing, but i suppose it was recordedthe 03/18/1996 because there's images of the french dew drop innconcert at the "grand rex", and the interview seems to take place backstage before the concert (tori wear the same outfit). 5 - Boys for Pele commercial I had it on tape, so i put it here... This is the french TV commercialfor the launch of Boys for Pele.