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White Stripes 2005-06-04 DVD Sao Paulo Audience

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
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1. Black Math (cuts in) > Blue Orchid (cuts out)2. Jolene3. You've Got Her In Your Pocket4. I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself5. Seven Nation Army6. clips from various songs (7.5 minutes total): Red Rain / Union Forever / Candy Cane Children / Do / Srewdriver / Little Ghost /I Think I Smell A Rat / Hotel Yorba / Passive Manipulation / Shine On Harvest Moon / Ball and Biscuit / I'm finding it Harde To Be a Gentleman (heavy sound distortion near the end of this track)from expecting [setlist unconfirmed]:Dead Leaves And The Dirty GroundBlack MathBlue OrchidI Think I Smell A RatPassive ManipulationShine On Harvest MoonJoleneApple BlossomCandy Cane ChildrenBall And BiscuitI'm Finding It Harder To Be A GentlemanHotel YorbaDoRed RainDeath LetterThe NurseThe Union ForeverBall And Biscuit(Howling?)300 Pounds Of JoyScrewdriverPassive ManipulationYou've Got Her In Your PocketLittle GhostI Just Don't Know What To Do With MyselfSeven Nation ArmyBoll Weevil

