1. Intro
2. Sunken Treasure
3. Company In My Back
4. Bull Black Nova
5. You Are My Face
6. I Am Trying To Break Your Heart>
7. One Wing
8. A Shot in the Arm
9. Muzzle of Bees
10. At Least That's What You Said
11. At My Window Sad and Lonely
12. I'll Fight
13. Impossible Germany
14. Country Disappeared
1. Handshake Drugs
2. Box Full of Letters
3. Jesus, etc.
4. Theologians
5. I'm The Man Who Loves You
6. Via Chicago
7. Spiders (Kidsmoke)
8. Heavy Metal Drummer
9. Hate It Here
10. Walken
11. Monday
12. Outtasite (Outta Mind)